Staying late at office for Cendor tender..again..dulu masa memula kluar tender..i had to stay until 10pm..siap tpaksa bawak izz masuk ofis buat keja..really retender again..permainan politik apekah ini (politik bisnes..bukn politik kt tv tu)..and i need to stay late again..huh..sgt turned off dgn project ni hahaha
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Sammy Simorangkir - Kaulah segalanya
Sangat best sampai rasa nak share
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Since last night, my joint dkat peha kiri sakit..xde angin xde ribut xde lnggar pape ttb sakit..jln terhincut2..
This morning i went for a checkup at a clinic near my office..ooooo..rupenye probably sbb mngandung..sbb pinggul (sopan sket) makin bertambah kelebaran (bnci tau)..maka buleh jd penyebab sakit2 peha ku ini..ooooo..ubatnye xde..pain killer je..ngan ubat sapu..
Monday, September 17, 2012
Camne ni
A tad sad
Td tok abah tok mama n nana dtg umah
Ummi suh Izz ikut tok mama balik umah..sbb nk tukar nursery die in a few days
And die nangis dlm keta when he realized i wasnt going
Bile ummi call nak check
Nana kate die da x nangis tp diam je baring kt tok mama..which is so unlike him
So rasanye die merajuk
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Stupid easy choc pudding
Found quite an interesting choc pudding recipe
1 tbsp cornflour 2 tbsp cocoa powder 2 tbsp sugar (equal, substitute) 3/4 cup non-fat soymilk (skim milk) 1 dash vanilla essence
Preparation Steps:
1. In a large mug, dissolve cornflour, sugar and cocoa in the milk.
2. Microwave on high for 90 seconds or until mixture boils.
3. Stir in vanilla.
4. Chill in the refrigerator for an hour or so.
Less than 5 minutes and it's done.i dont bother with step 4..just spooned the warm choc into my mouth and be happy..spreaded some on crackers too
My appetite definitely is crazy right easily hungry but i dont know what to eat..nothing seems to really satisfy my tummy..i just eat food that i feel wont cause me nausea..crackers, porridge, rice, lauk yg berkuah, masam with very little oil, fruits..vomited once this morning..and im incredibly lazy n i dont know why..i know ive a lot of chores but i just dont want to do anything..
My uterus or rahim is already double in size now..which what might causes these eating uneasiness..said babycentre
Friday, September 14, 2012
Mggu depan nk pegi buat 1st ultrasound..
Ya Allah
Izinkan kandunganku sihat dan selamat dan kuat
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Umi's starting getting mild nausea now and then..oily food definitely turns me off..even photos of those can cause nausea..believe it or not..all photos of acar telur yg suke sangat mkn aritu had been deleted from my phone gallery..had to..tgk je rasa mual..yg dlm blog ni biarla asalkn x tgk post tu (even writing about it mcm dah nk bunyi alarm in my head) now mkn yg berair2 je..masak singgang sup jela mcm org belum muntah2 lg
Ummi's face definitely looks rounder now adoi..mkn byk lg..hamik
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Potluck..lucky me
makan makan makan sbb potluck raya kat ofis
dari pagi acara makan dah start..dok ulang makan tp tak abes2 sbb byk betul
jeli, bolognaise sp, steambot, mi kari, lauk kurma daging, rendang, segala mcm lauk pauk nasi lg, kek2, puding, kueteow goreng, lemang, lontong..mane tak 5-6 kali round |
ummi buat butir nangka, antara feveret ummi le..makanan org2 tua sbb liat2 takyah guna gigi nak makan..main slurp2 aje..kalo mimpi ummi malam ni nasib le..sungguh2 gentel satu2 mlm td |
ade byk menu
tp yg plg menarik minat ummi ialah acar telur
1st time makan
akak ofis kate masakan minang
sedap..masam2 manis2..tataula..bile kena dgn nasi panas2..fuhhh
Acar telur..yummm |
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Izz is nearly 3
Picit salt solution thru one nostril and let it go out from the other nostril..haa best tak |
The hunger and drowsy attack are getting obvious lately.lapar sket pun x tahan.nk mkn kenyang sll.lapar sket siap pening2.ngantuk pun sama.buat aktiviti ringan2 pun ngantuk.x buat pape pun ngantuk.thankfully im still allowed for 1-2 cups of coffee least i can kickstart my day fresh especially at work.
After the ent checkup, me and bad went around looking for izz's birthday present.this would be the 1st time he got a birthday present in fact. Sebelum ni just celebrate with cakes heh. Ayah berkenan sgt2 dgn Leappad2 from Leapfrog. Kinda like ipad made especially for kids.ade package yg mnarik online direct from US store tp last2 we decided to buy from toysrus. A good device for Izz to play n learn at the same time. Reading, maths, logic, etc.. Made rugged for kids too.xdela risau mcm bg main ipad heh
So this 9th Sept izz would be 3 yrs baby is a baby no more..getting bigger and jd abg besar..
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
This time around
- - Even Bad reminded me himself of this matter! Best bile daftar kat site ni, sbb every week akan dpt email on the development of the baby in the womb..complete with graphical image of how the baby is growing, related articles, pregnancy and post pregnancy issues and discussion..even yg trying to conceive pun boleh register sbb ade byk discussion and related articles on the matter ..mmg sgt informative
- Surah2 amalan - harini dalam fesbuk, Ustaz Don letak gambar yg sgt comel berkenaan surah2 amalan ni from saya tulis panjang2..compact and cute..mintak share owner yg budiman :)
- Dual, 3 way powered breastpump - Masa Izz dulu, saya pakai Avent 3 way tp single to complete expressing milk took about 1/2 hour for each session..kadang2 masa pump at one side, the other side spilled out, sayang kalo dpt yg dual dptla cepat sket sudahkan every session sbb kena amik masa kat ofis nnti kmfem..and i like having the option of 3 way to power (electric, battery or manual) gives the flexibility depending on where i am..this time i plan to stock up as early as possible masa dlm pantang..dulu dah nak start kerja baru nak simpan stok, ended up tak cukup and last2 terpaksa campur formula milk..still Izz had my milk until he's 2 years old..insyaAllah,this time around i want to provide only breastmilk to my baby all the way till 2 years old too..moga dipermudahkan Aamiin
- Gentlebirth - I went for Hypnobirthing class for my previous pregnancy, but due to complication of my water dried out
magicallyfrom inside the waterbag, i had to be induced at 38 weeks and had no chance to try the i'm looking ahead to try it this time :) So mari revise semula method2 berkaitan..buku sume kat rumah mama so nanti nak pegi ambik - Selecting my O&G - If I'm really fit enough to try gentlebirth, i have to select an O&G who support this method, since in Malaysia the concept of gentlebirth is quite new and there are very few O&G who practice this..currently the only hospital who officially provide this service is Pantai Hospital (waterbirth method..Dr Halina wife of our astronaut Syeikh Muszaphar gave birth using this wonderful way)..i also heard that Gleanegals got docs who support gentlebirth approach
- may be continued |
The 5th week
One day before i tested myself, i bought's a supplement that may help women to get pregnant actually..nothing strange about it..just to help me in gaining inner health and healthy womb..i've tried it before ..before i got Izz :)..tak sampai sebulan, i got pregnant Alhamdulillah..not sure was it because i took Biodex or was Izz already after months and months of trying for the 2nd one, Bad suggested i tried Biodex again..itupun saya dok lengah2 mencarinya..nak cari satu hal jugak..last2 we found it dekat Tesco Nilai, dekat kedai2 kat luar kaunter tu, bukan dlm Tesco ye..this time I bought 2 things: (1) Supreme diet - drink mix yg ade campuran mcm2 eg. soya, green tea, kurma, brown rice, spirulina, etc (2) Woman Lobata - bantu memudahkan kehamilan
Pagi esoknya, saya bancuh supreme diet before pegi keja, mcm buat air chocolate jek, kacau2 dgn air suam..i planned to take woman lobata that thing about woman lobata is once the consumer got pregnant, she must stop taking that night, before taking it, i tested myself..tujuannye sbb nak makan itu supplement la..and GUESS WHAT?? Double line!! ALHAMDULILLAH..syukur ya amat masa tu..penat tggu line tu..asik2 kluar satu line je, kalini dpt tgk double line..of course rugi la beli woman lobata tu last2 tak pakai a friend of mine said, tu rezeki saya dn rezeki penjual tu jugak :) ala2, win2 situation la..trus kira2 dr last 1st day period (my period has always been irregular, tp syukur saya catat time bendera merah bulan lepas dlm kalendar sbb masa tu bulan puasa, kena la catat betul2 sbb nak kira nak ganti puasa berapa hari ye dak) lebey kurang 5 mggu la usia kandungan saya secara pengiraan kaedah tersebut (though i believe it's less than that ;P)..
The next day, I went to get it reconfirm by a doctor..since it's still very2 early, i didnt get scanned pun..dulu masa scan Izz pun dah 8 mggu, tu pun cuma nampak cam kacang the doctor just had me underwent the same double line test jugak je..sama je tp bile dengar seorang doktor cakap "Kamu mengandung"
Patutla lately rasa asik nak tido je..kat ofis lagila lemau..jarang2 buat perangai pegi tido kat surau tp skarang pandai buat tp tak selalu yek :) itupun sekejap je dlm 1/2 jam nak hilangkan ngantuk..apepun, me and Bad are definitely happy..we've wanted a sibling for Izz so that he can learn being a brother and tolerate other person in our family and accept that he's not always the king of the world (though he's always the prince in my heart ^_^)..and of course we wanted to expand our small family..Alhamdulillah
Skarang saya teruskan je minum susu Supreme Diet tu since yg tu takpe nak consume even dah mengandung..yela, bahan2nye sume makanan berkhasiat je pun, and die ade benefit2 untuk ibu mangandung jugak mcm bg khasiat seimbang untuk badan, membantu kesihatan rahim dn plasenta supaya kuat, kurangkan alahan, etc2..kalo larat dn mampu telan sampai 9 bulan saya ingat saya nak minum jela sambung2 sbb ade satu lg benefit dia which is membantu pembentukan kulit bayi yg cantik, halus dan cerah ewahh..manelah tau dapat anak putih gebu,
Ya Allah,
Permudahkanlah kehamilanku dan urusan rumahtanggaku. Berkatilah rezeki yang Kau berikan ini. Berilah kesihatan kepada seisi keluargaku dn lindungi kami dalam hidayah dan kasih sayangMu..
Now Izz is officially a brother
Double line yay! Adik..this was the first moment we know that you 've came into our life.. ^_^ | suggested that i start a pregnancy diary..i thought, rather than tulis2 dlm buku, baik tulis2 dlm blog ni..insyaAllah tak hilang sampai bila2 and bolehle jd tatapan budak2 tu dah besar sok :D